A Brief Historical Review of Federal Environmental Enforcement: Perspectives of Air Pollution Enforcement from Two Former EPA Enforcement Attorneys, December 2020, Webinar with Julie Domike for Air and Waste Management Association Baltimore-Washington Chapter.
Protecting Confidential Information in the Americas: Differences in Government Collection Authority, Public Access to Information, and Available Privileges. June 2019 Presentation at Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference.
The Power of Citizen Suits Under the Clean Air Act: An Industry Perspective. Presentation at Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference. June 2019.
Government Advocacy, First Amendment Rights and Climate Change Activism: A Look at the Issues in ExxonMobil v. Healy. Presentation at Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference. June 2019.
Air Permit Issues Affecting The Oil and Gas Industry. Presentation at Oil and Gas Environmental Seminar of the Air and Waste Management Association. Washington, PA. May 2014.
Significant Recent Court and EPA Decisions Affecting New Source Permitting. Presentation at Air Issues Conference of South Atlantic States Section of the Air and Waste Management Association. Richmond, Va. March 2014.
Air Regulatory Issues for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations. January 2014 presentation for clients.
The Next Steps in Climate Change and Energy Regulation: Obama’s Climate Action Plan, Argent Communications webinar, Washington D.C. November 2013.
Overview of the Law of Climate Change Adaptation. Presentation at Air and Waste Management Association Climate Change Conference. Herndon, Virginia. September 2013.
Key 2012 and 2013 Court Decisions that Affect Clean Air Act Permits, Air and Waste Management Association’s 106th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. June 2013.
The Clean Air Act’s Application to Oil and Gas Facilities on Indian Lands: An Evolving Regulatory Scheme. November 2012.
Cross-Jurisdictional Environmental Law Matters: The Perspective of a Corporate In-House Counsel, Annual Seminar on Environmental Law of the Americas, RIELA “Red Interamericana de Especialistas en Legislacion Ambiental” San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2011.
Ethical Issues in Global Environmental Law Practice, Annual Conference for American Bar Association Section on Environmental Law. Salt Lake City, Utah. March 2011.
Global Environmental Law Issues: (1) Transboundary Shipment of Waste and (2) Public Access to Information and Protecting Confidential Business Information. Exxon Mobil Corporation Annual Environmental and Safety Law Meeting and Seminar. Austin, Texas. March 2011.
Upstream Environmental Law Issues. ExxonMobil Continuing Legal Education Seminar. Lead, organizer, and speaker. Houston, Texas. February 2011. Agenda included recent legal environmental developments affecting upstream businesses in air, water, waste, NEPA, endangered species, and climate change.
Clean Air Act Regulatory Developments for Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Houston Bar Association, January 2011.
Exxon Mobil Corporation Workshops on New Source Permitting: Presentations on State Implementation Plans, Permitting for greenhouse gas emissions and SIP Gap issues. 2007, 2008, and 2009.
Protecting Environmental Audit Reports in Latin America, International Environmental Law Committee Newsletter, April 2000. Presented at Baker Botts’ Latin America Environmental Law Seminar, October 2000 and Fall Meeting of the Environmental, Health, and Safety Auditing Roundtable, September 2000.
New Source Review Modifications Flowchart Poster, distributed to EPA, CEQ, DOE, State air permit agencies, and many companies. Original 1995, revisions 1998, 2001, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014.
NSR Enforcement Initiative – A Historical Perspective, Air and Waste Management Association’s EM, April 2000.
Current Enforcement of New Source Review Requirements, Air and Waste Management EM, January 1999.
The Newest Air Enforcement Initiative Targets Modernization Projects, Upgrades, Capacity Increases and Plant Improvements, The Environmental Corporate Counsel Report, September 1998.
Flexible Permits and Plantwide Applicability Limits in New Source Review, Presentation and Paper delivered at the Air and Waste Management Association’s 90th Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada, June 1997.
The Role of Emission Factors in Permitting and Enforcement, Paper and Presentation delivered at the Air and Waste Management Association’s Annual Meeting, June 1997.
The Building Blocks for Flexible Air Permits, Environmental Regulation and Permitting, Autumn 1996. Modifying Operations under CAA Permitting and New Source Review Requirements, Environmental Permitting, Autumn 1993.
Protecting Confidential Information in the Americas: Differences in Government Collection Authority, Public Access to Information, and Available Privileges. June 2019 Presentation at Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference.
The Power of Citizen Suits Under the Clean Air Act: An Industry Perspective. Presentation at Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference. June 2019.
Government Advocacy, First Amendment Rights and Climate Change Activism: A Look at the Issues in ExxonMobil v. Healy. Presentation at Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference. June 2019.
Air Permit Issues Affecting The Oil and Gas Industry. Presentation at Oil and Gas Environmental Seminar of the Air and Waste Management Association. Washington, PA. May 2014.
Significant Recent Court and EPA Decisions Affecting New Source Permitting. Presentation at Air Issues Conference of South Atlantic States Section of the Air and Waste Management Association. Richmond, Va. March 2014.
Air Regulatory Issues for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations. January 2014 presentation for clients.
The Next Steps in Climate Change and Energy Regulation: Obama’s Climate Action Plan, Argent Communications webinar, Washington D.C. November 2013.
Overview of the Law of Climate Change Adaptation. Presentation at Air and Waste Management Association Climate Change Conference. Herndon, Virginia. September 2013.
Key 2012 and 2013 Court Decisions that Affect Clean Air Act Permits, Air and Waste Management Association’s 106th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. June 2013.
The Clean Air Act’s Application to Oil and Gas Facilities on Indian Lands: An Evolving Regulatory Scheme. November 2012.
Cross-Jurisdictional Environmental Law Matters: The Perspective of a Corporate In-House Counsel, Annual Seminar on Environmental Law of the Americas, RIELA “Red Interamericana de Especialistas en Legislacion Ambiental” San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2011.
Ethical Issues in Global Environmental Law Practice, Annual Conference for American Bar Association Section on Environmental Law. Salt Lake City, Utah. March 2011.
Global Environmental Law Issues: (1) Transboundary Shipment of Waste and (2) Public Access to Information and Protecting Confidential Business Information. Exxon Mobil Corporation Annual Environmental and Safety Law Meeting and Seminar. Austin, Texas. March 2011.
Upstream Environmental Law Issues. ExxonMobil Continuing Legal Education Seminar. Lead, organizer, and speaker. Houston, Texas. February 2011. Agenda included recent legal environmental developments affecting upstream businesses in air, water, waste, NEPA, endangered species, and climate change.
Clean Air Act Regulatory Developments for Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Houston Bar Association, January 2011.
Exxon Mobil Corporation Workshops on New Source Permitting: Presentations on State Implementation Plans, Permitting for greenhouse gas emissions and SIP Gap issues. 2007, 2008, and 2009.
Protecting Environmental Audit Reports in Latin America, International Environmental Law Committee Newsletter, April 2000. Presented at Baker Botts’ Latin America Environmental Law Seminar, October 2000 and Fall Meeting of the Environmental, Health, and Safety Auditing Roundtable, September 2000.
New Source Review Modifications Flowchart Poster, distributed to EPA, CEQ, DOE, State air permit agencies, and many companies. Original 1995, revisions 1998, 2001, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014.
NSR Enforcement Initiative – A Historical Perspective, Air and Waste Management Association’s EM, April 2000.
Current Enforcement of New Source Review Requirements, Air and Waste Management EM, January 1999.
The Newest Air Enforcement Initiative Targets Modernization Projects, Upgrades, Capacity Increases and Plant Improvements, The Environmental Corporate Counsel Report, September 1998.
Flexible Permits and Plantwide Applicability Limits in New Source Review, Presentation and Paper delivered at the Air and Waste Management Association’s 90th Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada, June 1997.
The Role of Emission Factors in Permitting and Enforcement, Paper and Presentation delivered at the Air and Waste Management Association’s Annual Meeting, June 1997.
The Building Blocks for Flexible Air Permits, Environmental Regulation and Permitting, Autumn 1996. Modifying Operations under CAA Permitting and New Source Review Requirements, Environmental Permitting, Autumn 1993.